- Improve administrative and technical internal resources by creating user-friendly tools that can deliver the needed relevant and analytical data.
- Simplify the data entry portion of new user information for an engagement. Improve the online form to a point where an outside user could enter his/her own data to apply for various lab services.
- Include additional services in the RPMS system that are not currently connected.
2.0 Application version planning, redesign data base, update update php/html to match, and create new code, and make minor enhancements to the data entry form and admin area while updating.
b. First data re-organization attempt v1
Database Current (1.0) and Future (2.0)
attachment: Data-Migration.xlsx
Data Entry Form Fields with DB migration notations
PHP changes to match db and improvements
c. Second data re-organization attempt v2
Database Current (1.0) and Future (2.0) v2
attachment: Data-Migration.xlsx
PHP/HTML changes to match db and improvements v2
attachment: Mock-site-layout.png
d. Research Frameworks to use for more standardized, rapid development
e. Make application live
Move application to live site.
2.3 Data entry/form improvements
Data entry content: Data Entry Form Fields v2
Data entry page mock-ups, as pdf: myBalsamiqProject.pdf or as png.zip: Mock-data-entry-v1.zip
2.5 Outside user can apply online