
The Research Project Management System (RPMS) was previously developed as a quick PHP tool to track engagement activity within the Lab. We are re-developing the tool now that we have had time to use the first version and have been able to define what changes and improvements are needed and wanted. Some layout changes and increased functional abilities are expected to be made in this version, including data expansion and re-organization improvements.



  1. Improve administrative and technical internal resources by creating user-friendly tools that can deliver the needed relevant and analytical data. 
  2. Simplify the data entry portion of new user information for an engagement. Improve the online form to a point where an outside user could enter his/her own data to apply for various lab services.
  3. Include additional services in the RPMS system that are not currently connected.


Version 2

2.0 Application version planning, redesign data base, update php/html to match, create new code, and make minor enhancements to the data entry form and admin area while updating.

a. Brainstorming Session: Features

b. First data re-organization attempt v1

Data Entry Form Fields

Database Current (1.0) and Future (2.0)

attachment: Data-Migration.xlsx

Data Entry Form Fields with DB migration notations

PHP changes to match db and improvements

c. Second data re-organization attempt v2

Data Entry Form Fields v2

Database Current (1.0) and Future (2.0) v2

attachment: Data-Migration.xlsx

PHP/HTML changes to match db and improvements v2

attachment: Mock-site-layout.png

d. Research Frameworks to use for more standardized, rapid development

Research PHP Frameworks

  e. Make application live

Move application to live site.



2.1 Admin area improvements

Admin Landing Page Features

attachments: various mock-ups


2.2 Tech area improvements

2.3 Data entry/form improvements

Data entry content: Data Entry Form Fields v2

Data entry page mock-ups, as pdf: myBalsamiqProject.pdf or as



2.5 Outside user can apply online