This document contains basic database stats, the current tables and fields in the rpms database, and lists the proposed tables and fields for rpms 2.0.



Current tables in rpms database 1.0 = 10, number of fields in smallest and largest table = 4 (with 2 being repetitive data) and 20

Current tables in rpms database

1. users
1. [id auto-increment]
2. fname
3. lname
4. email
5. phone
6. organization
7. method_of_contact

2. admin_infrastructure_status
1. [id auto-increment]
2. projectid
3. infrastructure_status
4. infrastructure_modified_by
5. infrastructure_modified_date
6. infrastructure_comments

3. admin_project_status
1. [id auto-increment]
2. projectid
3. project_status
4. project_modified_by
5. project_modified_date
6. project_comments

4. connectivity
1. [id auto-increment]
2. projectid
3. outside_access
4. custom_network_config
5. outside_agency
6. inside_agency
7. additional_info

5. project
1. [id auto-increment]
2. userid
3. title
4. date_of_request
5. start_date
6. end_date
7. num_personnel
8. project_summary
9. summary_status
10. project_type
11. project_use

6. project_output
1. [id auto-increment]
2. projectid
3. outcome_summary
4. publications

7. project_resources
1. [id auto-increment]
2. projectid
3. consultation
4. developer_resources
5. lab
6. lab_start_date
7. length
8. workstations

8. project_summary
1. [id auto-increment]
2. projectid
3. motivation
4. vision
5. stakeholder1
6. role1
7. stakeholder2
8. role2
9. stakeholder3
10. role3
11. stakeholder4
12. role4
13. stakeholder5
14. role5
15. stakeholder6
16. role6
17. datasources
18. steps
19. metrics
20. project_additional_info

9. tr_desktop
1. [id auto-increment]
2. projectid
3. dt_qty
4. dt_operating_system
5. dt_memory
6. dt_disk
7. dt_vm
8. dt_software
9. dt_notes

10. tr_server
1. [id auto-increment]
2. projectid
3. server_qty
4. server_operating_system
5. server_memory
6. server_disk
7. server_vm
8. server_software
9. server_notes



New tables in rpms 2.0 = 3, number of fields in smallest and largest table = 243 and 302

New tables in rpms 2.0

1. main_data [single fields, non-vm, 3rd party (total columns 43 + 100 + 100 = 243)]

  1. id [auto-increment record id 5] need to test old data
  2. timestamp (creation date, may use later) [Unix timestamp]
  3. fname1 [char 50]
  4. lname1 [char 50]
  5. organization1 [char 200] need to test old data
  6. phone1 [char 50]
  7. email1 [char 100]
  8. notify1 [char 5]
  9. fname2 [char 50]
  10. lname2 [char 50]
  11. organization2 [char 200]
  12. phone2 [char 50]
  13. email2 [char 100]
  14. notify2 [char 5]
  15. group [char 200]
  16. vm_space [char 5]
  17. lab_space [char 5]
  18. lab_num [char 5]
  19. consult [char 5]
  20. consult_text [1000] need to test old data
  21. test_hardware [char 5]
  22. project_title [char 200] need to test old data
  23. start_date [Unix timestamp]
  24. end_date [Unix timestamp]
  25. approved_start [Unix timestamp]
  26. approved_end [Unix timestamp]
  27. project_type [char 50]
  28. project_use [char 50]
  29. summary [char 1000] need to test old data
  30. goals [char 1000] need to test old data
  31. success [char 1000] need to test old data
  32. external [char 5]
  33. external_text  [char 1000]
  34. prod_out [char 5]
  35. prod_out_text [char 1000]
  36. prod_in [char 5]
  37. prod_in_text [char 1000]
  38. resources [char 1000] need to test old data
  39. thrid-party [char 5]
  40. additional [char 1000]
  41. status [char 50]
  42. status_text [char 2000]
  43. infra [char 50]
  44. infra_text [char 2000]
  45. outcome [char 1000]
  46. nvm_config01 [start non-vm data] [char 100]
  47. nvm_notes01 [char 1000]
  48. nvm_config02
  49. nvm_notes02
  50. nvm_config03
  51. nvm_notes03
  52. nvm_config04
  53. nvm_notes04
  54. [** query to find out how many in current data (expand for 50 nvm)]
  55. a_website01 [start 3rd party data] [char 100]
  56. a_description01 [char 100]
  57. a_website02
  58. a_description02
  59. a_website03
  60. a_description03
  61. a_website04
  62. a_description04
  63. [** query to find out how many in current data (expand for 50 3rd party)]


2. personnel [lab personnel and stakeholders (total columns 2 + 150 + 100 = 252)]

  1. id [auto-increment record 5]
  2. projectid [table one record 5]
  3. p_name01 [char 100]
  4. p_email01 [char 100]
  5. p_user01 [char 50]
  6. p_name02
  7. p_email02
  8. p_user02
  9. p_name03
  10. p_email03
  11. p_user03
  12. p_name04
  13. p_email04
  14. p_user04
  15. p_name05
  16. p_email05
  17. p_user05
  18. p_name06
  19. p_email06
  20. p_user06
  21. [** query to find out how many in current data(expand for 50 personnel)]
  22. sname01 [char 100]
  23. srole01 [char 100]
  24. sname02
  25. srole02
  26. sname03
  27. srole03
  28. sname04
  29. srole04
  30. sname05
  31. srole05
  32. sname06
  33. srole06
  34. [** query to find out how many in current data (expand for 50 stakeholders)]


3. virtual [virtual machines (total columns 302)]

  1. id [auto-increment record id 5]
  2. projectid [table one record id 5]
  3. vm_config01 [char 100]
  4. vm_notes01 [char 1000]
  5. vm_name01 [char 100]
  6. vm_proxy_from01 [char 50]
  7. vm_proxy_to01 [char 50]
  8. vm_inotes01 [char 1000]
  9. [** query to find out how many in current data (expand for 50 vm)]



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