PHP changes

  1. Change all db references to new structure and combine calls as much as possible (currently 22, try for 1-4).
  2. Remove absolute server links and make relational if possible.
  3. Add a namespace and remove all global vars, unless specifically needed.
  4. Separate presentation from functionality.
  5. Organize the php and move vars to the top of the section
  6. Add security for all incoming form data, and then sql filtering before sending to db.

PHP Files that have db references and need to be updated

  1. request_form.php
  2. confirmation.php
  3. admin/index.php
  4. admin/actions.php
  5. admin/feed/index.php
  6. dashboard\includes\approve\cur_fis_year.php *
  7. dashboard\includes\approve\cur_month.php *
  8. dashboard\includes\approve\cur_year.php *
  9. dashboard\includes\approve\past_30days.php *
  10. dashboard\includes\approve\past_week.php *
  11. dashboard\includes\length\cur_fis_year.php *
  12. dashboard\includes\length\cur_month.php *
  13. dashboard\includes\length\cur_year.php *
  14. dashboard\includes\length\past_30days.php *
  15. dashboard\includes\length\past_week.php *
  16. dashboard\list_results.php *
  17. dashboard\results.php *

* Dashboard area does not need to be updated since it is non-functional now and will be completely re-written later.



HTML changes

  1. Re-arrange data entry form fields to align with new layout.
  2. Add new fields to match the db/php.
  3. Create HTML template to use in data entry and admin detail area (currently there are 2 different HTML pages)
  4. Make minimal design/layout updates, main goal is functionality.

All HTML is currently in the php files.


  • No labels