Once the development language has been reviewed and debugged,
- Check the data: open the development Power BI and refresh and make sure you can see translated messages and outcomes with the new version number
- Double check with the data team that updating languages/flow in production won't break their reporting (it usually won't for just a translation push, but still a warning email is good form)
- Export the Covid-19 Non English wrapper and core protocols from Dev
- Export the localization file from dev
- Import the localization file to Prod
- Import the Covid-19 non-english wrapper and core to prod
- Update the localization file, non english wrapper, and non-english core in github (usually via a pull request so that everyone watching the github repo gets notified of the updates)
- Update the "ver in prod" in the gitlab README at https://git.philab.cdc.gov/IIU-Web-Team/covid19-bot-translations/-/blob/master/README.md