To keep track of the current version for each language, there is a covid19-bot-translations repository that I update every time I make version changes in development and production in the scenarios. It helps when trying to figure out the latest version for English and how far behind the Non-English scenarios are and which languages we've received translations for. All changes are made in the README. Update this repo whenever you make changes to a language in either of the bot instances.

  1. Set the current algorithm version if it was changed.
  2. Update the other contents of the README as needed. See below for what each table column means. 
  3. Push updates.


Language: which language you are updating

Dev Bot File Updated : This is the date the bot code in the development site was last updated.  The English version gets updated first, so it tends to have an older date. 

Dev Localization File Updated :  This is the date the localization file in the development site was last updated.  The English version gets updated first, so it tends to have an older date.  Any mild updates to a message in a particular language get a later date.

Ver. in Dev: Which algorithm version is in development bot instance for this language.  Decimal increases (61 to 61.1 or 61.1 to 61.2) indicate small hotfixes to the localization file.

Prod Bot File Updated : This is the date the bot code in the production site was last updated.  The English version gets updated first, so it tends to have an older date. 

Prod Localization File Updated :  This is the date the localization file in the production site was last updated.  The English version gets updated first, so it tends to have an older date.  Any mild updates to a message in a particular language get a later date.

Ver. in Prod: Which algorithm version is in production bot instance for this language.  Decimal increases (61 to 61.1 or 61.1 to 61.2) indicate small hotfixes to the localization file for that language.

Ver. in Github Repo: Which algorithm version files have been uploaded to the Github site.  Decimal increases (61 to 61.1 or 61.1 to 61.2) indicate small hotfixes to the localization file for that language.

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