The answers to every question are sent to the backend SQL Server by a custom log call, and then moved into PowerBI. This log call is called in the Outcome blocks. When you add / change content that affects that log call, you will need to work with the Data Team and test to make sure the changes are coming through correctly. Changes to the Outcome blocks will likely happen when you add questions, add answer choice, remove answer choices, etc. 

Working with the Data Team / Testing Outcomes

After you have finalized the new Outcome block content:

  1. Update the Excel Index-Mapping sheet with the new information
    1. This mapping sheet keeps track of all of the properties in the Outcome block. The properties map to questions, the question answer choices, and for each answer choice the textual content and the index of the choice. 
  2. Send the index mapping Excel file to the data team and let them know of the changes. They will tell you if there are problems or if he has to make new queries.
  3. Start running through full end-to-end tests using

  4. If The Data Team doesn't have to make new queries, or they have finished making them.

    1. Go into PowerBI and refresh the data source. It sometimes takes a couple minutes for the testing data to make it through to SQL Server so after you test session wait a couple minutes or just refresh multiple times. 

    2. Refresh the workspace page. 
  5. Make sure the new options / changes are showing up correctly in the Workspace page.
    1. Each row you see on the Workspace page is a chat bot session. The headers are the properties from the Outcome blocks. 

Make sure you open a new tab for each test. Refreshing the page restarts the bot but it doesn't create a new session. If you don't open on a new tab, it'll use the same session and the data in PowerBI will be useless. 

The current dev instance in PowerBI is labeled DevV5. The Data Team will inform you if that changes.

When verifying the testing data in PowerBI is correct, filter start-time in the bottom right corner so it only shows you the current day.

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