Once you have the translations for the new version, you can update the Non-English scenario with the latest version. The easiest way to copy English to Non-English, since they are now the same version. The easiest way to do that is:
- Export the English wrapper and cores
- Open the wrapper and cores in a text editor
- Change the "Name" and "scenario_trigger" in each of the files to match what they should be for Non-English
- Wrapper:
- Name: "COVID-19 - CDC WRAPPER - Other Languages"
- scenario_trigger: "covid19_non_eng"
- Vaccinated Core:
- Name: "COVID-19 - VACCINATED CORE - Other Languages"
- scenario_trigger: "covid19_vax_core_non_eng"
- Pediatric Vaccinated Core:
- Name: "COVID-19 - Pediatric VACCINATED CORE - Other Languages"
- scenario_trigger: "covid19_vax_core_pediatric_non_eng"
- Wrapper:
- Import the updated localization Excel file you received from the translators
- Import the scenarios you modified in the text editor
- Update the Non-English wrapper to point to the Non-English core (see below for images)
- Upload the new language xlsx file with the full translations.
- Update the "ver in dev" in the gitlab README at https://git.philab.cdc.gov/IIU-Web-Team/covid19-bot-translations/-/blob/master/README.md
You can test the different languages at- Bot Direct Links:
- Language-Page Links:
- Korean: https://oadc-dmb-test.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index-korean.html
- Chinese: https://oadc-dmb-test.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index-chinese.html
- Vietnamese: https://oadc-dmb-test.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index-vietnamese.html
- Spanish: https://oadc-dmb-test.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index-spanish.html
1 Comment
Peter White
Aug 04, 2021Something to watch-out-for:
The arrays with responses (["La prueba mostró que sí tuve COVID-19 (resultado positivo).", "La prueba mostró que no tuve COVID-19 (resultado negativo)."]) are often butchered in translation. Double check that the separators for the items are ' " ' and ' , '. search any incoming translations for ' ". ' as several translators sometimes move the period outside the quotation marks.