
bold item is added or changed

strike through item will be removed, but currently exists

blue text is the type of form field used online, and also says something about the type of db field



Contact Information

First name:         text field: single line     will pull data from current db

Last name:          text field: single line     will pull data from current db

Organization (i.e., C/I/O):            text field: single line     will pull data from current db

Primary Phone:                text field: single line     will pull data from current db

Primary E-Mail:                 text field: single line     will pull data from current db

Receive notifications?                  Checkbox     New field

Secondary First name:         text field: single line     New field

Secondary Last name:          text field: single line     New field

Secondary Organization (i.e., C/I/O):            text field: single line     New field

Secondary Phone:           text field: single line     New field

Secondary E-Mail:           text field: single line     New field

Receive notifications?                  Checkbox     New field

Please list names and email addresses of your team members who will require access to the requested lab resources:

Group name        text field: single line {this field is admin only]     New field

Name       New field                      Email      New field              Username  {this field is admin only]     New field

text field: single line                     text field: single line           text field: single line {this field is admin only]

text field: single line                     text field: single line           text field: single line {this field is admin only]

text field: single line                     text field: single line           text field: single line {this field is admin only]

Add more            button

IIU Services Requested

Would you like to use 1 or more virtual computers (VM's) running in the Public Health Informatics Research Cloud?  Radio buttons: Yes  No      New field

Would you like to use the Physical Collaboration space in 2500 Century Center?:   Radio buttons: Yes  No      will pull data from current db

             If yes, how many simultaneous physical workstations (lab seats) do you require at one time? (spin box  - max 18)      will pull data from current db

Would you like to have a consultation session with IIU's Innovation team?:   Radio buttons: Yes  No       will pull data from current db

             If yes, please describe what you would like to discuss:      text box: multi-line      New field

Would you like access to test out specific hardware (e.g., mobile device)?:   Radio buttons: Yes  No      New field


Project Details

Project Title/Name:             text field: single line       will pull data from current db

Requested Start Date:        text field: auto calendar      New field

Requested End Date:         text field: auto calendar      New field


Approved project Start Date:    text field: auto calendar   {this field is admin only]       will pull data from current db

Approved project End Date:     text field: auto calendar   {this field is admin only]       will pull data from current db

Project Type:  3-item drop-down list  {this field is admin only]   Choices:  Prototype, Evaluation, Hybrid        will pull data from current db

Project Use:  3-item drop-down list  {this field is admin only]   Choices:  Internal, External, Collaborative        will pull data from current db

We can best help you meet your needs if we have a general understanding of your project.  Please help us frame your project by addressing the following questions.   Even if you are only requesting use of the physical laboratory space, a project summary will allow us to potentially leverage other R&D technology initiatives in working with you.

Project Summary:                text box: multi-line       will pull data from current db

Project Goals:                       text box: multi-line       will pull data from current db (vision)

Project Success Criteria:     text box: multi-line       will pull data from current db (metrics)

Project Stakeholders:

Who are the stakeholders (users/actors) in your proposed engagement? Please list key technology users, data suppliers, report recipients, as well as any applicable governing guidelines (e.g., HIPAA).

Stakeholder*#     will pull data from current db            Role**       will pull data from current db

text field: single line                                                 text field: single line

text field: single line                                                 text field: single line

text field: single line                                                 text field: single line

Add more            button

*Organization, C/I/O, user group, individual, etc.            **e.g., User, data supplier, report recipient, governing body.            #Please note that you can choose more than one role per stakeholder.


Technology Requirements


The Lab has defined a set of core technology standards which can be quickly installed as a default (i.e., not otherwise specified). Please modify as needed for your specific project requirements. Please list specific software needed in the Notes section.

Computing Resources

Resource Type 1:  Virtual Computer (VM)   

VM Configuration:            Drop-down select (LIST PROVIDED BY DALE) - example:  Windows7 desktop, Windows Server 2008, SQL Server, CentOS, etc.

will pull data from current db (OS)

Notes:                 text box: multi-line     will pull data from current db

VM name:            text field: single line  {this field is admin only]      New field

Internal Notes:    text box: multi-line  {this field is admin only]      New field

Proxy from:          text field: single line  {this field is admin only]      New field

Proxy to:              text field: single line  {this field is admin only]      New field

Add More:          button: will add another set of fields like above


VM Request Details:

Will any of your requested VMs run services which will need external lab access (e.g., a publicly available web site)?   

Radio buttons: Yes  No    will pull data from current db

If yes, please provide details:  text box: multi-line      New field

Will any of your VMs connect to non-production systems/databases OUTSIDE CDC?   Radial buttons: Yes  No     will pull data from current db

If yes, please provide details:  text box: multi-line      New field

Will any of your VMs connect to non-production systems/databases INSIDE CDC?  Radial buttons: Yes  No     will pull data from current db

If yes, please provide details:  text box: multi-line      New field


Resource Type 2:  Non-VM (mobile device, etc.)

Device:                   text field: single line     will pull data from current db (OS)

Notes:                     text box: multi-line     will pull data from current db

Add More:          button: will add another set of fields like above


Data Resources: 

If your project involves the use / testing of data (synthetic data, publicly available, etc.,) please describe the following:

What is/are the primary sources of data, if any, for the proposed technology? Please note that all data sets must be examined (e.g., for privacy & security) prior to loading into the lab environment. The lab can provide synthetic data if necessary.

text box: multi-line     will pull data from current db


Will your project require access to any third-party websites and/or applications?   Radial buttons: Yes  No      New field

If yes, please provide details below:

Website      New field                   Description      New field

text field: single line                     text field: single line

text field: single line                     text field: single line

text field: single line                     text field: single line

Add more            button


Please feel free to provide any additional information regarding your technology needs below.    text box: multi-line     will pull data from current db

Project Status:  9-item drop-down list  {this field is admin only]   Choices:  On Hold, Awaiting Submission, Under Review, Submitted, Rejected, Submitter Revising, Approved, Discontinued, Completed     will pull data from current db

Project Status Notes:  text box: multi-line  {this field is admin only]        will pull data from current db


Infrastructure Status:  9-item drop-down list  {this field is admin only]   Ready, To Set Up, On Hold, Setting Up, Modifying, To Take Down, Taking Down, Removed, Archived     will pull data from current db

Infrastructure Status Notes:  text box: multi-line  {this field is admin only]        will pull data from current db


Outcome / Summary / General Notes:  text box: multi-line  {this field is admin only]        will pull data from current db


Please confirm that all the entered information is accurate. Click "Submit" when ready.

Once you have submitted your information, if you need to make changes, please contact the R&D Lab at

Submit                 button




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