This is the base page for the cross-platform mobile project for the 2010 STD Guidelines. Code-named "shirly" it is the 3rd prototype based on the STD Guidelines project.

Shirly's goal is to develop guidance for how CDC and public health programs can translate public health data and information currently available on the web to mobile. Allowing users to easily access the information on their mobile device of choice (initially Android and iOS, but eventually other platforms as they become widely used).

To develop this guidance, we are prototyping a process to "build once, run everywhere" where programs can develop their app in a single format and then deploy the material as a native app onto Smartphones with the app available through app marketplaces (e.g., iTunes App Store, Google Play Marketplace). This prototype will allow users to view and use the 2010 CDC STD Guidelines.

The project has a few major phases:

  1. Tool Selection - Evaluating the landscape of available tools and platforms to determine how to build the cross-platform app.
  2. Visual Prototyping - A set of non-functional screen designs, eventually mixes into the Development phase
  3. Development - Iterative releases on Android/iOS
  4. Publishing - releasing app to App Stores
  5. Documentation - creating a summary / guidance document for use by public health programs

Project Planning / Timeline

This project will have multiple documentation sections:

  1. Overview Presentation
  2. Requirements - High Level Drivers | Detailed requirements will be stored as user stories in Jira
  3. Architecture
  4. Development Notes
  5. References
    1. CDC 2010 STD Guidelines [PDF]
    2. DebugListOfConditions

Jira is used to track user stories, requirements, issues and development. Visit it here.


  1. Tool Selection
  2. Development
  3. Beta
  4. Publishing
  5. Guidance

Project best practices:

  1. Document in real time. There is no task for documentation and never time to go back and document. Add notes in confluence or somewhere with a public URL.
  2. All source code will be open source. There will not be a clean-up task, so make sure the source for your deliverable can be checked-in. This is so others can use our test projects and prototype as a reference.