Once the development language has been reviewed and debugged,

  1. Check the data:  open the development Power BI and refresh and make sure you can see translated messages and outcomes with the new version number 
  2. Double check with the data team that updating languages/flow in production won't break their reporting (it usually won't for just a translation push, but still a warning email is good form)
  3. Export the Covid-19 Non English wrapper and core protocols from Dev
  4. Export the localization file from dev
  5. Import the localization file to Prod
  6. Import the Covid-19 non-english wrapper and core to prod
  7. Update the localization file, non english wrapper, and non-english core in github (usually via a pull request so that everyone watching the github repo gets notified of the updates)
  8. Update the "ver in prod" in the gitlab README at https://git.philab.cdc.gov/IIU-Web-Team/covid19-bot-translations/-/blob/master/README.md

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